So don't go blaming me for the trail of civil unrest that seems to be following in my wake.

And to prove my point (somewhat weakly) here's a picture of me celebrating my independence from British rule (those pesky colonialists) in Merdaka Sq, KL. -------------------------------->
I hear the Australian government are busy looking into your FBI file!
You just hop round south east asia like a kangaroo on speed dont you. Its your number one fan again just checking that your o.k and that you havent lost your way. I am in Melbourne Oz at the moment and I have met up with one of your thai friends Jane. Stay in south east asia as long as possible as i miss the place very much. Mainly due to the price of everything here. Spent a month going up the West coast though, that was fun. anyways take care Jo and stay safe. Harry
Hi Jo(e),
Number four here. I am back home now and glad of it. You know I really missed working in a Vodaphone shop, it's much more exciting than travelling. In fact I suggest everyone comes home and gets a job in a shop.
Damo x
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