Have seen a local medicine man/pelican about the situation (-->)
He says it's a condition called 'evil-taxman-itis', also known as 'i want to spend all day at the beach' and 'the best things in life don't always come for free'.
By way of remedy he recommended a medicinal direct debit from your account to mine, though also mentioned that a cash deposit would do the trick equally well...
...ok so you don't pity me (is that because in Australia's equivalent to November and it's still 28oC, mwahahaha!) - so use your charitable reserves for people who may actually deserve it and sponsor my bigger (but in no way better) bro at: walking up a big hill to raise money for WaterAid, it's a great cause and if you give him enough money he might even stay up there (more than worth whatever you can give).
1 comment:
Hey Jo,
The frenchy is back onj the web, but I juste realy to apology for your bank situation, but I can't really help you, I'm also in this kind of problem but my doctor gave me a good medication, 'Stop going out every night and spend all your money in the bars', I really can't anderstand why so friendly people and so nice as well like us can't live an easy life and do what they want all the time...
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