Current activities have recently surrounded Perth's City to Surf run that's happening at the end of August, I'm fine with the 'city' element and happy with 'surf' - it's just the 'to' that's been bothering me of late... Believe it or not I've been running all over the place in the name of training (don't laugh) and you'll be happy to know that thus far I haven't been attacked by a pelican (few close calls mind), have been complimented on my socks (left green, right 'gold') and haven't seen sense yet. There are two races I could do, one's 12km the other 21km - I need your vote on which I do, pain or lots of pain? challenge or challenge to survive? Let me know here...
Had a mini road trip at the weekend down to Margaret River which is a major wine making region about 200km south of Perth. Went down with Ali (my scottish housemate - who is scandalously labouring under the impression that he's leaving

And in other news caught my first glimpse of dophlins in the Swan river whilst walking along in
South Perth which was pretty exciting (I felt much empathy for the little kid who screamed whenever mummy and daddy suggested that it was time they went home instead of watching them) - if you get your magnifying glass out you might see a fin in this picture, as was the ride on the boat across the river that I didn't even realise existed (the boat, not the river) - would have saved me a lot of effort running if I'd known about it!
Harry Potter minus 2 days!!!! So EXCITED!!!
That's pretty much all I have to say right now - don't forget the decision lies in your hands: 12 or 21km - it's in the hands of democracy now...
You did Wine for Dudes, didn't you? We did that tour in Jan 06 and it was AWESOME! The best winery tour I've ever done.
12km :)
I think 21km would be good if it is not too hot!!! Plenty of water needed I guess. Will send recipe for choc goodies as a treat to spur on the training.
Well I have to say the 21km would be a better achievement, although 12km is pretty good anyway. I may also be able to make use of your wine blending skills as i'm having ideas of setting up my own vineyard in sunny surrey!!!
Hot Chocolate Fondant recipe, serves two they say!
50g unsalted butter
2tsp cocoa powder
50g chocolate
1 free range egg
1 free range egg yolk
60g caster sugar
50g plain flour
icing sugar to dust
Ice cream to serve
Pre heat oven to 160 C
Butter two ramekins about 7.5 cm diameter, then liberally dust with cocoa, shaking out any excess.
Slowly melt the chocolate and butter in a bowl set over a pan of hot water, then take off the heat and stir until smooth. Leave to cool for 10 minutes.
Using an electric whisk, whisk the whole egg, egg yolk and sugar together until pale and thick, then incorporate the chocolate mixture. Sift the flour over the mixture and gently fold in, using a large metal spoon. Divide between ramekins and bake for 12 minutes.
Turn the chocolate fondants out on to warmed plates. Dust the tops with icing sugar and serve with a spoonful of vanilla ice cream.
Then make some more for your guests!
thanks Dad, that's really going to help me run the extra mile!
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